St. Joseph's Ministries in Emmitsburg, MD St. Joseph's Ministries in Emmitsburg, MD

Positive Long-Term Care for Maryland Seniors


Once a debilitating or chronic illness is diagnosed, many families start to explore options for long-term care. Maryland families trust St. Joseph's Place, located in Emmitsburg, MD, to provide a positive, daily care environment for their loved one. We can meet a variety of long-term care needs at our 106-bed home. We provide skilled nursing care as we work to build personal relations with each patient and their family, in an effort to give each patient complete access to the best in communication and care.

A life-changing diagnosis can be a stressful experience, but the highly trained staff at St. Joseph's Place can make the transfer to long-term care a positive transition for both the patient and their family. We meet patient's daily needs and maintain a strong relationship with hospitals and specialists in our area in order to ensure your loved one receives the highest level of care. Our staff specializes in a wide range of service and care options, and can help with daily living activities such as:

  • Bathing and dressing
  • Bathroom trips and incontinence care
  • Moving to or from a bed or chair
  • Eating and basic hygiene

Call St. Joseph's Place today to further explore our long-term care. Maryland residents know St. Joseph's Place provides a positive environment that allows their family members and loved ones to enjoy life even in the midst of a chronic illness or debilitating diagnosis. We look forward to serving your loved one and developing a relationship that will best meet their daily long-term care needs

Contact St. Joseph's Place (formerly St. Catherine's Nursing Center) today for the best short term rehabilitation in Frederick County, MD and Adams County, PA!

stjosephsministriesSt. Joseph's Place (formerly St. Catherine's Nursing Center) is ranked #9 out of all Maryland facilities for Pay-4-Performance quality care.